Sunday, September 27, 2009

Killing bad guys by private contactors – legal or illegal?

I’ve heard many uneducated people ripping into the Gov’t, Private Military Companies and Private Special Operators by people making accusations of illegal murder and mercenary name calling, etc. The people I’ve heard recently come from different spiritual faiths and use their “books of faith” as the basis for their argument against the killing enemies. The people I’ve heard recently have never served in the military, law enforcement or had the responsibility of protecting their fellow citizens. YET, these people enjoy the protection of the same Gov’t & Operators they complain about. In addition, their sense of entitlement in relation to what the Gov’t owes them is unbelievable.

If you disagree with killing bad guys, the death penalty, etc. - fine, all I ask is that when debating or arguing your point… behave like a calm adult and KNOW what you’re talking about. Study both sides of the debate and THEN pitch your side.

Let’s start with this reality:

In wartime and in the case of a threat to a nation's security, the government may order private military contractors, defense contractors or government agencies to complete operations that involves the taking of a human life (lives).

The government contracts with other organizations for many different reasons, such as for their specialty, for convenience or for added manpower.

Are there rules for these missions? Yes.

There are rules of engagement, use of force continuums, collateral damage limitations, Geneva & Hague conventions, etc. Professional operators follow the law, policies and rules as they are trained. Anyone caught not doing so can be held accountable just like a police officer would be if they were caught breaking the law.

Checks and balances are very much needed. That’s why both nationally & internationally you’ll find incidents being investigated all the time. Both criminal investigations and quality assurance type of investigations… when done appropriately, will keep the industry professional.

My opinion about all of this is: any person who enjoys the protection, comfort and benefits provided by the gov’t or its’ operators… should ALWAYS show respect and gratitude to that entity or to those people.

That’s fine if you disagree… just be respectful and know the facts from both sides of the debate.

Brian K. Allen is a coach, trainer and entrepreneur in Arizona. For
FREE Bodyguard info, goto this site and request the FREE module:

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Developing A Killer Mindset

Developing A Killer Mindset

Throughout my career, my assignments have always had a need to develop a killer instinct mindset in myself or my team mates. This was a real eye opener at first because it was this training that REALLY exposed my weaknesses. I learned how passive I naturally am and that I was more of a “flincher” than many of my peers in the industry. I’ve always been the happy, nice guy who just happens to have a great work ethic.

While being professional is a given… can you see how being a passive, happy, nice guy with a tendency to flinch, could be an issue in Close Protection, Military Police, Corrections and Counter Terrorism work? Me too.

Well, thanks to some GREAT mentors in the Military and Gov’t agencies – I was trained in a manner that helped me overcome those issues… and come home to my family, time after time.

Let’s talk about training. When I work as someones adult combatives / self defense instructor, we will train on grass… cement… dirt… etc. We’ll train in houses and apartments too. As my student, training will be uncomfortable. First it will be physically uncomfortable and then mentally. My job is to build realism into your training program and at times, take you to “dark places”. That way, if you’re ever taken there by an attacker… it won’t be your first time.

Remember, killing an attacker becomes more difficult the more personal it becomes. For example, shooting an attacker is easier for most warriors that stabbing or choking them. So – I know that if I can train you to stab or choke an attacker… I can be confident that you’ll be able to shoot an attacker if needed.

Now, a professional needs to be balanced. After I became proficient in Combatives and then an Instructor, I set a goal to become a specialist in de-escalation & communication. Eventually becoming a nationally certified instructor in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention and developing a reputation “in the field” of being one of the calmest individuals around.

To wrap this up, develop your killer instinct through consistent physical training. Also read books on the subject of killing and watch dvd and/or listen to cd’s. Study materials from Dave Grossman; Tony Blauer, Richard Grannon & Rich Dimitri.

Finally, remember to keep mentally & spiritually balanced!

Brian K. Allen is a coach, trainer and entrepreneur in Arizona. For
FREE Bodyguard info, goto this site and request the FREE module: