Sunday, December 21, 2008

Kidnapping Info & Terms For Bodyguards

Kidnapping is the taking away of a person against their will. It’s usually done for ransom or as a part of another crime. In addition, it’s often committed in connection with a child custody dispute.

According to Black's Law Dictionary, the crime of kidnapping is labeled ABDUCTION when the victim is an adult female. Currently, the kidnapping or abduction of a child is often called child stealing, particularly when NOT done to collect a ransom… but rather with the intention of keeping the child permanently. (Also known as "child napping").

Legally speaking, child abduction can refer to children being taken away without their parents' consent but WITH the consent of the child.

“Bride kidnapping” is a term relating to any bride physically 'abducted' against the will of her PARENTS, even if she is willing to marry the 'abductor'. This is seen amongst certain nomadic peoples of Central Asia.

In my observation, a more probable threat for an Executive Protection is tiger kidnapping.

“Tiger kidnapping” is the taking of an innocent hostage to make some else (a loved one or an associate of the kidnapped person) do something, e.g. a wife is taken hostage to force the bank manager to open the safe.

For this reason, it’s important to ensure your contract specifically states who you will & will not protect. If your client wants their family protected as part of your scope of responsibilities… higher fees should be charged.

For a look at the missing person situation involving the US… check out this site:

National Crime Information Center’s (NCIC) Missing Person File

Brian K. Allen is a coach, trainer and entrepreneur in Arizona. For
FREE Bodyguard info, goto this site and request the FREE module:

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Shooting Info: The Flash Sight Picture

(The info below was learned while attending a shooting course based on principles from Jeff Cooper's "Modern Technique".)


The Flash Sight Picture is a method of allowing the cognitive faculties of the shooter to align the target and the sights without the delay involved in the conscious alignment of sights, such as is used when slow-firing a rifle at a distant target. In Point Shooting, by contrast, the pistol is drawn from the holster and fired from the hip, or forward of the hip, without the sights being aligned at all.

In slow-fire rifle shooting, the front-sight and rear-sight of the rifle are aligned with the distant target with great care, taking at least several seconds.

The Flash Sight Picture is a method which falls between these two methods. During a gunfight, waiting to align the sights as if on a rifle-range is too slow. However, more accuracy than point shooting from the hip can deliver is required to hit one's assailant reliably. It is physically impossible for the human eye to focus simultaneously on the rearsight, the frontsight and the target at the same time, and the focus must hunt between all three points. Greatest adjustment of focus is required to view the rearsight.

In the Modern Technique the shooter is taught to focus on the front-sight of the pistol alone. This prevents the focus of the eye from hunting between rear-sight, front-sight and target, which would waste time.

The reason it is called a 'flash' sight picture is because the cognition is best able to perform this function when the target and frontsight are presented quickly as a single image, in a 'flash', as if the shooter had just turned around to face a threat appearing from close by. The vision can "see" the rear sight, even if the focus is on the front sight. This is enough for the cognition to make an alignment. With the flash sight picture, the front sight and a rapidly presented image of the target are used to align the pistol. This is faster than slow-fire rifle, and offers more chance of hitting the target than point shooting from the hip.

Use of the Flash Sight Picture is possible because human cognition evolved during the hunter-gatherer period of human evolution to be good at hand-eye coordination so that the human capacity to use projectiles for hunting was increased. As a result of this evolution, the cognitive functions of the brain to align objects in the hand with distant objects using the eye at great speed, was optimized. Humans can access this feature of their cognition and use it to align the pistol with the target. Colonel Cooper discovered this feature during experimentation and named it the "Flash Sight Picture".

Human cognition can perceive a "Flash Sight Picture" at a speed of which the individual is not consciously aware. This facility was discovered during World War II during experiments with rapid recognition of aircraft silhouettes. This experimentation was continued after the war and resulted in experiments with subliminal advertising in the Sixties, whereby images were flashed onto cinema screens for a duration too short for the viewer to notice. Yet the experiments determined that their cognition had, in fact, observed the image nevertheless.

Use of the flash sight picture requires a rapid acquisition of the front-sight in order to allow the brain to perform its calculations. This focus on the front-sight, mental and physical, is one of the main themes which Colonel Cooper impressed upon his students of the Modern Technique, in order to clear their mind of extraneous matters when they are shooting in the heat of a confrontation. The emphasis for students of the Modern Technique on the word "frontsight" was so great, that a shooting school and a shooting magazine were named after this phrase.

Brian K. Allen is a coach, trainer and entrepreneur in Arizona. For
FREE Bodyguard info, goto this site and request the FREE module: