Sunday, November 1, 2009

Receipt of a Threatening Letter – The Psychological Analysis

A threatening communication, especially a letter / email… is not just a message. It’s also evidence and a first look into the mind of the bad guy.

An executive protection agent should be qualified to do the first level psychological analysis of such a letter / email. After analyzing it, the agent may choose to bring in a qualified psychologist.

Obviously, one of the priorities the agent will want to focus on the INTENT of the writer. Does the writer intend to commit a violent act? There is no analysis technique that is 100% accurate BUT there is one way to judge that is very often accurate. “Specificity of the threat” is the thing I want you to focus on.

Years ago I was taught this and it has proven to be true every time I have this situation arise. Look at the letter/email. Is the writer angry, vague and threatening to ruin your clients reputation or take down their company? If so – this does not necessarily foreshadow violence.

Does the letter/email get specific about a threat? For example, does it say WHO or WHAT will be attacked? Does it sat WHEN or WHERE? Some people may read this and say, why on earth would the bad guy put that in a letter/email? Well – the data shows that they do! Why?

Remember one of the definitions of Terrorism: To cause a fear and submission by the use of violence and/or threats of violence.

By being specific they can cause fear, panic and maybe an evacuation response.

So, it’s up to you to study Psychological Analysis of threatening letters/emails. Be informed of the topic and obviously refer such matters to a qualified psychologist when appropriate.

Brian K. Allen is a coach, trainer and entrepreneur in Arizona. For
FREE Bodyguard info, goto this site and request the FREE module:

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