Saturday, January 3, 2009

Basics of Surveillance

Surveillance is the systematic observation of people, places or thngs in order to obtain information. Surveillance is generally carried out without the knowledge of those under surveillance and is concerned primarily with people.

Surveillance is conducted in one of two techniques. (1) stationary or (2) mobile. Mobile surveillance is conducted either on foot or in a vehicle. One or both of these techniques of surveillance may be used on a surveillance to accurately document the target’s movements either by personal observation, photographs or video. The objective of surveillance is to gather and document information for personal knowledge or courtroom testimony.

The most common technique of surveillance employed by agents, investigators & law enforcement is a combination of stationary and mobile.

Terms related to surveillance:

Burned: Term indicating that the subject has discovered the identity of an operative.

Contact: Any person the subject meets or confers with.

Convoy: A person employed by a subject to detect surveillance. Usually done by following the subject.

Decoy: A person who attempts to divert the operative’s attention from the subject.

Mobile surveillance: Used when the target is moving, either walking or in a vehicle.

Operative: The person conducting surveillance.

Stationary surveillance: Used when the target is not expected to become mobile.

Target: The person, place or thing under surveillance.


Surveillance preparation will begin only AFTER you've received a retainer fee, first installment or upfront money of some kind. First, you should prepare an investigative form that contains all the vital information needed to identify the target. First and foremost is to obtain an accurate address and description of the target including any distinguishing marks, tattoos etc.

What vehicle will the target possibly be driving or riding in? What are the target’s social habits and work day habits? Also, make a note of WHY the investigation is required.
If the investigation is a Worker’s Compensation case the information should include details of the accident and the type of injury. The target’s habits should also be listed. Pertinent telephone number should be included. This information is obtained from the client.

Leave enough room on your form for gathering additional information through your traditional channels such as the motor vehicle division, county recorders office, voter registration, directory assistance, etc.

(the end, for now) :-)

Brian K. Allen is a coach, trainer and entrepreneur in Arizona. For
FREE Bodyguard info, goto this site and request the FREE module:

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