Friday, September 19, 2008

"Use of Force" Basics

Even though there are several different models being
used for "Use of Force" policies... a commonality does
exist between them and I wanted to share that with
all of you.

Of course... this is only a sample. Be sure to know &
use the policy & procedures of the agency, department
or company you represent.

First, we want to use a process which is progressive and
typically begins at the lowest level of force practical,
dependent upon behavior displayed, and the immediate
reaction to the behavior by surrounding people.

Here's a common Use of Force Continuum:

(1) Presence:

The purpose is to effect change. This includes the
mere presence of an agent / officer to include
non-verbal gestures made with eyes, hands, head,
or body utilizing proximity, standing, seating, eye
contact and/or facial expressions.

(2) Verbal Persuasion:

This includes verbal prompting, directive statements,
redirection, or boiler plate 'speeches' & 'stories' that
have proven to elicit voluntary compliance in people.

(3) Empty Hand Controls:

a. Escort control holds
b. Pressure points
c. Take down techniques

(4) Striking:

a. Kicks
b. Punches
c. Brachial stun
d. Strikes to key motor points

(5) Less than lethal options

a. Baton
b. O/C Spray
c. Stun gun
d. Tazer

(6) Lethal force

a. Firearms
b. Choke holds

Remember, straight line progression is not mandatory.
In other words, you don't have to use the above options
in numerical order... every time.

Your decisions will be predicated on the circumstances
of each incident. Your safety & survival is #1!

Stay tuned & stay safe!

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